Saturday 5 June 2010

Shrew 2 + Dress Rehearsal.

We had a run through with a small invited audience last night which was much enjoyed. I'm very pleased with my stuff, its all been so beautifully made by the costume shop here. You can't fail to be cheered up by it all.

I can just about cope with the [in]famous “submission speech” because Emily does it so brilliantly, and with such a shining quality of wondering love that it brings a lump to the throat. You just know that the two of them are going to have an amazing marriage, not because her spirit is broken, [it isn't] but because these 2 equally impossible people have worked through all the crap, both social and personal that they were carrying at the beginning of the play, and learnt the big lessons - about themselves, about each other and about love itself. Wonderful!

I still get a bit of a sense of humour failure about the song that ends Part 1, though. About 'commanding wives' and crowing hens - etc. It's a bit like some of the ghastlier hymns we had to sing at school, were the words were dreadful, but we just sang them without bothering with the meaning. - Can't really do that any more!

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