Tuesday 24 March 2009

Act 2

Don't think I can stay in the flat much longer today, a work party is decorating the hallway and drilling enthusiastically, apparently into my door - the noise is deafening.

Here is the the bad water-god being wigged up, with his very engaging daughter in attendance.

I got fed up with being told that I could only have his body decorations stitched on to net that looked like granny's lisle stockings - not sexy at all, when suddenly Mrs Golfo introduced a friend who did body art! Brilliant, she arrived, took a brief look at the costume drawing, got out her little pots of make up and produced a fantastic seaweedy tattoo.. It looked a bit like cabbage leaves yesterday, but will be lovely when the colour is right.

I tried to get some pictures of this act, I quite like the swirly one - Will try again more selectively tomorrow.
Today is the dancers' day off, so the wardrobe don't want me there to give them yet more notes, they will have quite enough to do finishing the pages they already have.
So I shall go out in a minute - it's my last chance of sight-seeing.

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